Shared Mobility 101: Integrating Shared Mobility with Mobility Hubs – Webinar
During the webinar on October 15th, 2021, Angelo Meuleman from the Belgian NGO Mpact gave an introduction to the concept of mobility hubs and the need for a joint definition. According to Mpact and the SHARE-North partners, a mobility hub (mobihub in Flanders, mobilpunkt in Norway and Germany) must feature:
- Clear and visible location and branding
- Shared mobility (carsharing is a central component)
- Bicycle facilities
- (and Public Transport)
However, a mobility hub can also feature many additional optional functionalities, such as package walls, public toilets, carpool stops, drinking fountains, etc.
There are several types of mobility hubs but they can be lumped into two main categories: Proximity Hubs on neighbourhood level and Network Hubs as part of a regional strategy. Each type of hub has different business case and governence model, user benefits and individual building requirements.
Each mobility hub should be viewed as in investment in improving public space rather than sacrificing public space. A well-planned mobility hub also fits into the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, such as: Climate Action, Gender Equality, Good Health, Sustainable Cities and Communities as well as Responsible Consumption.

Angelo’s presentation is available here: An Introduction to Mobility Hubs.
The City of Bergen’s mobility hubs, so-called mobilpunkte, tick both boxes as Proximity and Network Hubs. Bergen plans its mobility hubs as part of the City’s emissions reductions and parking management strategies. They are planned on a local level to meet the needs of each individual neighbourhood and its residents as well as integrated into a city-wide and regional strategy. Lars Ove Kvalbein shared Bergen’s (Norway) mobility hub strategy and practical experiences made over the past three years since opening the first mobilpunkt in May 2018, from technical design to public engagement aspects.
To see the whole story, take a look at Lars’ presentation here: Bergen’s Mobility Hub Strategy. Or watch the recording of the entire webinar here!