A core team from the original SHARE-North project consortium banded together with several new partners from across the North Sea Region and developed a project idea which was born out of the work package “Innovative Strategies and Solutions for Various Transport Modes”. The original SHARE-North partners began to explore the potential of shared mobility integration into real-estate and housing developments. It quickly became clear, that there is a need to work transnationally on this topic and so the idea for a new Interreg North Sea Region Project Application was developed.
In the SHARE-North Squared “Growing Shared Mobility Exponentially in Housing Developments and Living as a Service” project, the aim is to build on the knowledge gained in these preliminary brushes with the topic, which is one of the building blocks for a transition to sustainable transport of the future. The project, if funded, will combine transport issues with issues of the built environment.
The project idea was approved by the Interreg North Sea Region Monitoring Committee in September 2022. The official runtime of the four-year project is January 2023-December 2026.
The consortium consists of 16 carefully selected partners and sub-partners, each of whom plans to bring their own unique perspective and expertise on the topic of shared mobility and the potential to integrate it into parking policies, practices and standards in the NSR. It includes cities and policy makers, real estate developers and social housing companies, NGOs and research organisations:
The consortium and project idea is structured so that parallels exist between each national partner site: with a policy making body and a body responsible for working within the framework of those policies at almost every respective location. The aim is to establish a more transparent exchange between these levels of implementation in order to bridge the gap between policy and implementation and to encourage a regular exchange between these stakeholders, something that is not yet common practice in urban and transport planning across Europe. This will lead to a better understanding of the practical implications that transport and urban development policies have on private organisations and a more harmonised approach of private initiatives based around citizens’ needs.
In addition to cooperation with members of the project consortium, SHARE-North Squared will also work closely with countless informal partners across the North Sea Region and beyond who have expressed their interest in the project and their readiness to cooperate with the project consortium in joint research endeavours, events and provide their input in the development of joint recommendations. Letters of Support have been received from the following municipalities, mobility providers, NGOs and international organisations: