Carpool Addict Event in Brussels
Various organisations that work with Taxistop were invited to submit the activities they have been undertaking to encourage staff to share their commuter journeys. These activities were measured against a set of qualitative and quantitative criteria and each organisation was awarded either 1, 2 or 3 stars for their ongoing efforts to encourage ride-sharing. Examples of best practices included strong and continued promotional campaigns within the organisation, the provision of dedicated parking bays for ride sharers, and personalised travel planning to encourage ride-sharing as a sustainable transport option.
SHARE-North partner SEStran was also present at the event to speak about their ride-sharing platform, Tripshare, and the experiences they have had with organisations promoting ride-sharing in the South East of Scotland. The exchange of knowledge was a useful exercise as the attendees were given an insight into the regional aspect of promoting ride-sharing in the SEStran area. On the other side of the coin, SEStran will also be taking home useful learnings from the way Taxistop provides tailored advice to organisations to encourage ride-sharing. In conclusion, the event was a great success during which best practices were shared among various organisations interested in promoting ride-sharing within the North Sea Region and beyond.