Webinar on (Shared) Mobility Solutions for Businesses and Employees
Today, September 29th, 2017, SHARE-North hosted its third webinar of the “Dare-to-Share” lunchtime webinar series. The theme of today’s webinar was how regional authorities in Flanders and the UK are providing solutions for mobility generators. By mobility generators, we mean areas such as business parks, universities, major centres of employment that generate a lot of to-and-from traffic on a daily basis.
The presenters Aurelie van Obbergen from Intercommunale Leiedal in Belgium and Marilyn Healy and Nicola Whatmuff from West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s Travel Plan Network in the UK demonstrated how organisations in the SHARE-North project have come up with ways to deal with commuter journeys and journeys at work – to make that journey more affordable, more accessible and more environmentally friendly for both employees and employers.
If you missed the presentations or would like to review them again, you can download them here:
Shared Mobility in Company Policies Aurelie van Obbergen, Leiedal