OECD Expert Workshop on Autonomous (Passenger) Transport in Ottawa
On personal invitation by the OECD International Transport Forum (ITF), the City of Bremen (represented by Michael Glotz-Richter) participated in an expert forum to further reflect potential and risks of autonomous for passenger transport. Michael Keenan, Canadian Deputy Transport Minister welcomed the 28 experts from 10 countries from around the world for the two-day workshop at the Canadian Ministry for Transport in Ottawa (December 5-6, 2016).
Four working groups focused on various aspects of the impact of autonomous transport on passenger transport. The invited experts came mainly from the research and industrial sectors as well as governmental ministries. Bremen represented the municipal level and served as rapporteur for the working group “Which urban environments are the best match for each concept of operation”. Adam Stocker from the University of California Berkeley presented “Business models for shared mobility, car-sharing and ride-sharing”, touching exactly on the focus of the SHARE-North project.
“The invitation shows the leading role of the SHARE-North considerations about the potential impacts of autonomous transport on mobility patterns and the necessity of preparing an appropriate regulatory framework.” – Michael Glotz-Richter, City of Bremen
The results of this exclusive international workshop will be fed into the SHARE-North work package “Shortcut to the future – new technologies and shared modes”.