European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans in Bremen a success!
In addition to presentations from over 60 speakers and interactive discussions, participants were able to participate in one of 11 excursions and site visits, ranging from trips with a historic tram, an electric bus prototype, bicycles and on foot. During the excursions and “walkshops”, participants were able to experience the walkable, bikeable, liveable city of Bremen first-hand, they visited Bremen’s integrated, on-street car-sharing stations (mobil.punkte), the site of a future low-car housing development, a street with a climate adaptive design and much more.
SHARE-North played an important role in the conference. Not only in the organisation of the conference but in the clear presence of SHARE-North partner and supporting organisations (City of Bremen, Taxistop, OECD International Transport Forum) in the many presentations on the themes of the project: shared space in cities, car-sharing, ride-sharing, the potential of autonomous vehicles for shared mobility, the sharing philosophy and the importance of integrating a shared mobility action plan into SUMPs.
At the close of the SUMP Conference, the “Bremen Declaration on Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning” was presented. The intent of the Declaration is to contribute to a transport policy debate on a European level and to develop progressive action statements for incorporating, among other things, a philosophy of public street space as a shared commodity, the necessity for a more efficient use of street space, the need to decouple use from ownership and an equal focus on “low-tech” and techy solutions for transport-related challenges. Following the conference, the “Bremen Declaration” will go through a consultation phase together with the European networks of cities ICLEI, Polis and Eurocities.
To learn more about the consultation process, to participate or to download presentations from the SUMP conference, go to:
Download a short teaser about why SUMPs should include shared mobility below.