Shared Mobility 101: Defining Shared Mobility Policies
The 8th Golden Rule from the SHARE-North Planner’s Guide to the Shared Mobility Galaxy states that: “Without proper policy frameworks, shared mobility cannot rock. Local governments have to create the essential conditions [for shared mobility], while tackling negative aspects in a proactive way.”
In her talk, Antonia Roberts emphasised the need for public authorities to recognise shared transport as being as important as public transport for tackling sustainability, resource and space efficiency goals. She presented that there are different approaches to management & regulation – from in house to open market – and stressed the importance of shared mobility integration in related policy areas, including:
- Spatial and housing planning policy
- Physical and digital strategies (like mobility hubs and Mobility as a Service)
- Electrification (however, with realistic expectations in mind)
- Active travel and health
- And equity.
Advice that Antonia gave for building political support for good shared mobility policies was to provide evidence about the impact of shared mobility, involve politicians and stakeholders in a hands-on way and to generate publicity around shared mobility. To view Antonia’s slides, look here.
Arne Stoffels introduced the newly developed European Shared Mobility Accelerator (ESMA), Mpact’s and’s new tool for helping local governments of all sizes to map their progress on the shared mobility track.
The aim of the ESMA is to assess a city’s shared mobility policies – regardless of the size of the city – to be inspired by other cities, receive assistance in creating a Shared Mobility Action Plan (SMAP!) and to help keep track of progress.
The ESMA will be formally launched at the next edition of the Shared Mobility Rocks Symposium in Bremen on May 25th, 2022. However, municipalities can already apply for an assessment.
You can take a look at Arne’s presentation here or visit the ESMA website directly to learn more or sign up! Shared Mobility | The European Shared Mobility Accelerator | Gent (

The webinar was co-moderated by the City of Bremen’s Rebecca Karbaumer and Advier’s Friso Metz, the coordinating authors of the Planner’s Guide to the Shared Mobility Galaxy, which features many practical examples of good shared mobility policies, including: the Dutch and Flemish Green Deals for Shared Mobility, CoMoUK’s Accreditation Scheme for Carsharing and Bikesharing, Bremen’s Carsharing Action Plan and more. Check out the case studies in the Guide to learn more.
The webinar’s introductory slides and an outlook on what’s coming next can be downloaded here.