Shared Mobility 101: The Impact of Shared Mobility – Webinar

Shared Mobility 101: The Impact of Shared Mobility – Webinar

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On June 24, 2021, the third of a series of 10 webinars to accompany the publication of SHARE-North's "Shared Mobility Rocks: A Planner's Guide to the Shared Mobility Galaxy" was held on “The impacts of Shared Mobility”.

There are many different types of shared mobility: shared vehicles, shared rides, shared space. Basically any type of vehicle can be shared. However, different forms of shared mobility have different impacts. Some help improve transport, reduce emissions and free up public space in cities as well as rural areas. Others are a source of more contention and may have questionable impact on travel behaviour. But one thing is clear, different shared mobility modes influence each other and create awareness for sharing in general. The more shared travel modes there are in a city or region, the more sharing becomes attractive – it’s all about getting the mix right.

In this webinar, Rebecca Karbaumer from the City of Bremen (DE) gave a brief overview of the general impacts of shared mobility as well as the more specific (positive) impacts of carsharing, ridesharing, bikesharing, shared micromobility and shared space. She also gave a few quick examples of concrete impacts and case studies that will be featured in the upcoming publication of the Planner’s Guide to the Shared Mobility Galaxy.

Antonia Roberts from CoMoUK shared some interesting main insights with the audience from CoMoUK’s latest research on the impact of shared mobility modes, more specifically carsharing (aka “carclubs” in the UK), bikesharing and shared e-scooters. While carsharing often leads to a reduction in car ownership and cars use (exactly what cities need today to reclaim public street space and reduce congestion), bikesharing has the opposite effect: bikesharing leads to increased bicycle ownership and bicycle use and can be described as a “gateway drug” to cycling! Perfect for cities and regions who want to encourage more cycling and make cycling a more inclusive mode of transport!

And as for e-scootersharing? Well, they’re one of the more contentious modes of shared mobility with regard to their impact. But what kind of impact do they have? You’ll just have to take a look at the presentations or watch the recording of the webinar in case you missed it!

You can check out Rebecca’s presentation here: Impacts of Shared Mobility Modes

And Antonia’s presentation here: CoMoUK’s Latest Research on Carsharing, Bikesharing and E-Scooters

The recording of webinar is available here.

The webinar was moderated by Friso Metz of Advier (NL).

01 Jul 2021