Flemish “Green Deal” for Shared Mobility Launched with 80 Signatories!
The “Green Deal Shared Mobility” is a partnership of many different organisations that are willing to undertake actions to provide alternatives to car ownership. It is an engagement between several parties and the Flemish government. No less than 80 organisations came together in Flanders on March 27th, 2017 to sign the Green Deal with three Flemish Ministers: Bart Tommelein (Energy), Ben Weyts (Transport and Public Works) and Joke Schauvliege (Environment). The signing organisations chose their own actions to contribute to the 4 main objectives of the Green Deal. All together, they will undertake 511 concrete actions to accelerate the growth of shared mobility in Flanders by 2020.
Ambitious goals and real commitment
To dramatically accelerate the growth of shared mobility, ambitious and SMART goals have been set for every shared mobility mode and concerning electrifying the shared fleets. Those goals are:
- Increasing the number of car-sharing members to 80,000
- Doubling the companies undertaking actions to support carpooling
- Increasing the number of bike-sharing members to 400,000
- Multiplying the number of shared electric cars and bikes by a factor of 5
It’s all about combining forces…
This Green Deal is perfectly suited for (shared) mobility operators, public transport and environmental NGOs. However, the strength and beauty of this Green Deal is the wide variety of different types of organisations. The signatories also included insurance companies, research institutes, regional provinces, cities, municipalities, the Polis network and umbrella federations of car renting and car industry.
Twice a year, a plenary meeting takes place in order to evaluate the progress and to have interaction between the many signatories. In between, there are several thematic groups for working in-depth on certain topics such as technology and innovation, multimodality, shared mobility in business parks and new housing developments, insurance and legal aspects, accessibility and transnational learning. This method is used to achieve one of the main goals of the Green Deal, namely to stimulate trans-sectorial cooperation between non-obvious partners. This is an excellent way to create innovation in shared mobility.
… and creating a buzz!
Apart from achieving the main goals, this Green Deal is also about communication and raising awareness for shared mobility to get the ball rolling. Therefore, on March 27th, the official launch of the “Green Deal Shared Mobility” took place in the presence of three Flemish Ministers, every signatory and national press. The organisers, Autodelen.net and Taxistop, chose a classy location in Brussels to have great picture moment. On a big signing wall, every participant could put their official signature, there were speeches and the official signing by the Ministers and at the end, a group picture was taken to underline the impressive size of this long-term partnership. To keep shared mobility in the spotlight, the SHARE-North partners will continue to communicate about this Green Deal via press conferences, a dedicated website, monthly newsletters and an active social media policy.
An International Green Deal?
We don’t know yet if the Green Deal shared mobility will be a success story. However, we made an impressive start with a massive 80 signatories. Far more important than the numbers, there is a very strong vibe of willingness to work together. There is no doubt every single signatory has its own agenda but everybody is also convinced that an intensive cooperation will serve best their own goals. Seeing what is happening on regional scale with this partnership, Autodelen.net and Taxistop would like to expand the Dutch and Flemish Green Deals and develop an even more transnational Green Deal Shared Mobility. Interested? Let us know at Jeffrey@autodelen.net!
More information: www.gedeeldemobiliteit.be