WYCA is the Local Transport Authority for the region of West Yorkshire, UK and combines the Strategic Transport & Economic Development roles across West Yorkshire for Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield Councils and 2.2 million people. WYCA has a duty to develop and maintain a Local Transport Plan (or SUMP). WYCA is delivering an integrated transport network to support people, business, economy and growth in West Yorkshire and in doing so, provides for, and promotes low carbon, low emission, sustainable transport.
In addition to its strategic transport role the WYCA provides day-to-day services, such as bus stations and travel centres under the Metro brand name, and runs the MetroLine call centre, Metro websites and the yournextbus real-time service. WYCA works with the region’s bus and train operators to bring about improved services and better value for money on behalf of local people. This includes subsidising local bus and train services and funding concessionary fares for young people, disabled and blind people and seniors. The planned SHARE-North activity is proposed to develop the current range of sustainable travel promotions and initiatives and provide dedicated co-ordinators to advise on tailored solutions, facilitate implementation and ensure the realisation of benefits at shared sites.