is the Flemish Carsharing network. The main goal is to maximise the ecological, social and economic benefits of car-sharing through:

* Combining and defending the interests of all car-sharing providers and private car-sharing groups
* Representing car-sharing providers in work with (local) governments
* Developing the general concept of car-sharing
* Developing innovation and pilot projects

The organisation is committed to a sustainable society in which car use becomes more important than car ownership, in which everyone is mobile and in which anyone who needs a car, can use one. is working toward neighbourhoods with lots of space (for people), clean air and a great sense of community and togetherness. Car-sharing is one of the solutions because it responds to different policy areas such as environment, mobility, social cohesion, liveability of neighborhoods, inclusion and accessibility. is also the co-founder of the mobipunt initiative in Flanders and Shared Mobility Rocks.

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