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STARS Carsharing Expert Workshop: The Impact of Carsharing on Mobility Behaviour and the Determinants of Behavioural Change towards Carsharing

The EU-funded Horizon 2020 project STARS is happy to invite you to an expert workshop and a site visit on Thursday, 24 January 2019 in the City of Bremen, Germany. The workshop – addressing researchers, policy makers, car sharing operators and transport experts – will inform about the recent STARS research on car sharing:

  • A comparative study in Germany shows, that the impact of car sharing on car ownership and mobility behaviour differs strongly between car sharing variants (e.g. free-floating, roundtrip, peer-to-peer). These differences are related to user attitudes and certain operational features of the variants. To increase the impact of some variants, a systematic integration might be needed.
  • A study in Italy, Sweden and Germany investigates personal attitudes towards cars and sustainability and identifies a range of different mobility-styles with different affinity towards car sharing. The study shows what attitudes trigger conversion to car sharing and multimodal mobility.
  • Different car sharing variants can be attractive to different people. Car sharing users profiles based on socioeconomic characteristics and mobility styles have been derived for different countries (Germany, Italy and Sweden) and compared to profiles of people that do not use the service to understand which car sharing schemes are more attractive to them.
  • The event will also be accompanied by an optional site visit to some of Bremen’s mobil.punkte and pünktchen.

    To register, please send an e-mail to with name, function / organisation and a phone contact.

    Please indicate in your registration e-mail whether you
    – want to join the site visit (10:30)
    – want to attend Lunch (12:15)
    – have some dietary or other special needs.
    The meeting room is accessible by wheel-chair.

    Please note: The number of participants to this event is limited. Please register by Friday 18th January. Participation is free.

    Download the entire invitation and programme here:
    STARS project_invitation expert workshop v5