Share North

How to make Shared Mobility Rock: Guide to the Shared Mobility Galaxy – SHARED MOBILITY INTEGRATION WITH MOBILITY HUBS

The City of Bremen has been a pioneer in mobility hub development since 2003. Within the SHARE-North project, the Germans inspired Norway, Belgium, The Netherlands, the United Kingdom and many more countries. In this webinar, the concept of mobility hubs will be explained. What transport and urban development issues can they address? How do mobility hubs work? Why do they work? Can the concept be applied in cities as well as in rural areas?

Angelo Meuleman from the Belgian NGO Mpact will give an introduction to the concept and Lars Ove Kvalbein will share Bergen’s (Norway) mobility hub strategy and practical experiences made over the past three years.

The webinar will be moderated and hosted by Rebecca Karbaumer (City of Bremen, DE).

The webinar will begin at 12:00 CET on October 15th, 2021.

Registration is already open. Participation is free of charge.