How to make Shared Mobility Rock: Guide to the Shared Mobility Galaxy – SHARED MOBILITY INTEGRATION IN HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS

Having difficulty making sense of the complex world of shared mobility? You’re in luck! This year, we published a guide specifically for planners and municipal decision makers to make the galaxy of shared mobility bit easier to understand! The “Shared Mobility Rocks: A Planner’s Guide to the Shared Mobility Galaxy”. This one hour webinar is part of the webinar series for the book and will focus on the topic of Shared Mobility Integration into New Housing Developments.
  • 2. September 2021
    11:00 am - 12:00 pm

If shared mobility reduces the need for car parking, why not make it a part of new housing developments? With this approach, urban development can be liberated from an abundance of cars and residents will develop more sustainable travel patterns.

In this webinar, Bram Seeuws from (BE) will present examples of progressive parking standards and mobility management policies for housing developments in Flanders.

Rebecca Karbaumer from the City of Bremen (DE) will present the outcomes of a research on the impacts of mobility management approaches in new residential areas.

The webinar will be moderated and hosted by Friso Metz (Advier, NL).

The webinar will begin at 11:00 CET on September 2nd, 2021.

Registration is already open. Participation is free of charge.
